There's a weapon crate on the building's right exterior catwalk, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get there. Does anyone know?
There's a weapon crate on the building's right exterior catwalk, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get there. Does anyone know?
45 Votes in Poll
Does anyone else think the code names used by Black Tusk seem to be based of certain aspects of themselves?
Ex. Tanner "Kegger" Brown is a heavy drinker
Ex. Phaedra "Puck" Lao is a serial pranker
Ex. Carver "Edward" Butler watched Twilight
Ex. Mort "Cursed" Kellogg is gambler with crap luck
22 Votes in Poll
So how will TDH fit in the universe? Yes I know it’s the next installment but I have story question like:
When does the game take place? Before/After TD2? Does it take place after/before TD1? Or After/before WONY?
Who are the main baddies? Well yes it could be new factions with black tusk toss in there
“A new view on the universe” Will there be any groundbreaking stuff in Heartlands?
If it somehow it’s a BR how will the story be told? Will to be like what COD has with warzone?
Well I think Ghost Recon gonna wreck the SHD agents without getting notice or by shock & awe AKA element of surprise.
This includes unique enemies that are only encountered once’s in one mission
Yes I know that the first game takes place some week after the outbreak but what year does it take place in? Does take place when the game got release or is it a different year? or does it actually say what year it takes place and I can’t remember it?
Does anyone feel like the Rikers and Cleaners were underwhelming and were less of a challenge in WoNY?
Cleaner Assault lack any elite throwable, Throwers can fire and throw vapor grenades that we can easily avoid, incendiary bombs used by the Cleaners drones should be more of an elite ability, and Tanks reuse the same throwables from the last game. For the Rikers, Throwers and Snipers reuse the same lower level ability. Here's how I would made things challenging to both factions, which includes improvements and two extra classes.
Cleaner Assault
Weapons and Abilities:
Police M4 (Veteran/Elite), Riot Foam Grenades (Elite)
Cleaner Thrower:
Incendiary Grenades (Regular/Veteran), M32A1 loaded with DC-62 Grenades (Elite)
Cleaner Tank:
White Phosphorous Grenades
Cleaner Medic (New Class):
Weapons and Abilities:
Px4 Storm Type F/T (Regular), MP5A2/MP5-N (Veteran/Elite), Defibrillators Support Station (Elite)
Cleaner Heavy Weapons (New Class:)
Weapons and Abilities:
Custom L82 A2 (Regular), Military RPK-74 M (Veteran/Elite), Tear Gas Grenades (Regular/Veteran), Shock Grenades (Elite), X-95 (Regular), Tactical X-95 (Veteran/Elite)
Riker Thrower:
Weapons and Abilities:
Fragmentation Grenades (Elite; throwed in a quick succession)
Riker Medic (New Class):
Weapons and Abilities:
PP-19 (Regular), Tactical AUG A3P (Veteran/Elite), Defibrillators, Shock Grenades (Elite)
Riker Engineers (New Class):
Weapons and Abilities:
Military/Custom M870 (Veteran/Elite), True Sons Assault Turret, Incendiary Rounds (Elite)
I found a way to add radio dialogue / briefing to all the main and side missions in the Division 1 and 2. The videos below are from GameZone GaMinG. I'm getting them from various Division 1 and 2 YouTube walkthroughs. Most are easy to find, Some are a real, frustrating pain. If you can fill in blanks, you'll make a lot of people. The first two Division 2 playlist was made before the update when we can't hear them anymore.
*Division 2 Side missions
Added bonus: Here some video links the Division 2 Comms and ECHOs and where to find them.
As for the rest that I can't find, you're on your own.
Hola a todos / as.
Tengo un problema para conseguir el subfusil exótico (charlatán). El problema es que no me aparecen
ni las piezas en los cofres de las hienas, ni el plano de fabricación en el cofre de la misión donde
deveria salirme. Acabo de llegar i superar el nivel 30. Nariz si hay algo que estoy haciendo mal o que
igual que han cambiado las modificaciones en algún parche o algo por el estilo. Me seria de gran ayuda cualquier
informacion sobre como conseguirla actualmente. Muchas gracias de antemano agentes :)
It seems to me that the lesser known Gangs become more active in the Endgame. The likes of the Cultists who throw knives, utilize chainsaws, and are relatively the easiest sub-faction to deal with (in my opinion). As well as the Marauders who use Trash can lids as shields, and compound bows that fire regular arrows. Anybody else think we could get some more info and screen time for these guys? Maybe never for the Cultists, as none of them speak; but come on! Least let the melee and bow experts have something important to do!