The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki
Tom Clancy's The Division Tom Clancy's The Division 2

Abilities is a tab in the menu. Abilities are separated into three categories:

Skills are use-recharge abilities that can be swapped in the menu at anytime and does not require points in order to unlock and use them.

Talents are powerful, special, effects that can further enhance or change one's playstyle and effectiveness. The most powerful talents only activate once Agents fulfil their stated requirements.

Perks are passive benefits that, once unlocked, are always active. Most perks have upgrades which need to be unlocked in order. Perks affect item carry capacity for inventory, stash, grenades and armor kits, but also crafting materials and resource items. They also award XP bonuses, bonus crafting materials from deconstructing, in world detection boosts of containers and enemies and new Bounty difficulties. Perks and their upgrades are unlocked at the Quartermaster, in the Base of Operations, by spending SHD Tech.

Dark Zone Perks give you an edge in the D.C. Dark Zones. See Senait Ezera in the Base of Operations to unlock them, then activate them by reaching DZ level milestones. Be careful; perks will deactivate if your DZ level falls below the required milestone. Level up to reactivate them.

