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You never know what you're going to need, so it's best to be prepared.
- Eva Acosta, urban spelunker

Acosta's Go-Bag is an Exotic Backpack in Tom Clancy's The Division 2, it was added in with Warlords of New York.

Mod Slots[]

Acosta's Go-Bag includes 1 generic gear mod slot which may accept any form of gear mod.


Acosta's Go-Bag possesses a +1 skill tier core attribute as well as 2 skill attributes.


One in Hand...

Throwing a grenade refunds it and grants +1 skill tier for 15s. Grants overcharge if already at skill tier 6.

Cooldown: 60s

... Two in the Bag

  • +1 Armor Kit Capacity
  • +3 Grenade Capacity
  • +25% Ammo Capacity
  • +10% Repair-skills
  • +10% Status Effects

