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The Division Wiki
Audio Journals Collectible-PhoneRecording
Unknown Speaker Monica Phillipson Pvt. Ellis Green Sammy Marie Ben Winston Brandon O'Reily

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 1


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: I don't like the way things are going lately. We've lost a lot of guys, and I don't see a lot of gains. And I sure was hell don't see things back to the way they used to be. Some of these guys are hung up on power, or remaking the state in their image. That's cool. I can see why they're into that. But I got into for the money. Everything else will follow. We have to stay focused. Way I see it, the problem right now is that no one is approaching our situation like a good businessman would. And if no one else is going to take the initiative then I will.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 2


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: We're hearing some rumors that civvies have found a way out of the city - down here. Yeah, they got tunnels galore under the city. Sewers, cabling, subways. I haven't seen any maps, but it's not too far-fetched. Obviously some of the subway lines went through, but they shut those things down when they got serious about a quarantine. Still, there's plenty of other options to find an escape route - and I can see that being a holy grail for some of these desperate fucks who got nothing left to live for. But the thing is, if that's true, it'll be very bad for business.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 3


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: Nobody gets a free ride out of town, not as long as we're around. We've got the infrastructure in place to give people the golden ticket: a ride out of Manhattan. We got helicopters, and we got guns to shoot down anybody who gets in our way. But we only give rides to VIPS who have cash required, not just anybody. This is not a charity operation. Payment must be in assets, not money. Money's never been worth the paper it's printed on, and now it's really not good for much more than lining bird cages. More than some of those dead presidents deserve, anyway.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 4


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: If there's a way out of Manhattan down here, if that's really true and word gets around... We worked hard to have a monopoly, and it's going to stay that way. So I've decided to investigate, brainstorm some solutions, make some proposals. Straight up entrepreneurial problem-solving. Responding quickly to change. 24/7. Gotta stay with the times.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 5


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: Military tactics work, to a certain extent. And we do that well. And our org may be made up of military guys. But we didn't start out as a militia. We started out as a business, filling a niche. Doing the dirty jobs the US government didn't have the guts to do. I'm just saying, let's not forget our roots. Let's remember the other part of what we do well - make money. And let's focus on strategies to achieve that goal, like any good manager would.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 6


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: To put it succinctly: fear sells. It makes sense for us to engage in sending the message. This island is lethal. Only the Last Man Battalion has the skills, equipment, and tactics to deal with the situation, to secure any future of any sort. That's our message. That's the key to profit. So we need to find better ways of delivering on that message. Some advertising.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 7


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: I did a little recon on my own today. And found just what I expected: a little band of people with flashlights and backpacks and cute little coats. And a NYC subway map. Little twerps needed a lesson in survival. And I gave it to them - by showing they have failed to survive. And I took my time about it too - certain skillsets you have to practice. Use it or lose it. Left the bodies down there, to send a clear message - the LMB is your only option.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 8


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: I've been considering the options, and I think we have to go bigger here. To crush the competition, we have to literally crush the competition. If there are tunnels out of Manhattan, and there are people who know how to navigate these tunnels and if they are getting people out of Manhattan via those tunnels... well, it doesn't matter if they're doing it for love or money, it has to stop. Sure we can discourage the service by killing the competitors. We can leave piles of dead bodies, we can even mutilate those dead bodies to really send a message, but as long as those tunnels still exist, we have a problem.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 9


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: I'm proposing we begin a strategic bombing of tunnels in order to close off any potential means of escape for our competitors and our potential customers. Eliminate not only our competitors, but also any reason to compete. If there aren't any other ways off the island, there's no question where to turn. It's the only smart thing to do. And after the tunnels, the bridges. Gotta think big. No pain, no gain. Gonna present it tonight. Think this'll be my chance to move up in this organization, finally.

Pvt. Ellis Green Journal 10


PVT. ELLIS GREEN: Told the so-called leadership about my plan. And they had the nerve to tell me - to my face - that is was "ill-advised" and "lacked foresight". Those sons of bitches can't see vision when it slaps them across the face. Those pussies think we'll get trapped here if we take out the bridges and the tunnels. They're thinking about power., not money, not opportunity. Misplaced priorities. They had the nerve to laugh in my face. Well, it got me thinking. Maybe it's time to move on. Find some people with the right frame of mind. And if the LMB won't see the light, well, maybe it's time for them to go down.
