The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki
Carbon Fiber

Carbon Fiber is an Crafting Material from Tom Clancy's The Division 2. It is used at the Crafting Station in association with other materials.

Carbon Fiber Description[]

Crafting material used for making lightweight components for equipment. Scouts have observed higher than average amounts of the material with the True Sons. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) is often referred to as Carbon Fiber for short.

These materials have a high strength-to-weight ratio with excellent resistance to heat, water, and chemicals. Even though Carbon Fiber can be very expensive it is often used in vehicles, engineering, and sports equipment.

CFRP can also be used to create some musical instruments.

Carbon Fiber Locations[]

Here are several methods to get Carbon Fiber:

You can acquire Carbon Fiber by killing enemies from the True Sons Faction. You can easily identify them by their vests, bandanas, and helmets.

Led by the Antwon Ridgeway the True Sons Faction usually controls the areas around Capitol Hill.

This faction features the following archetypes: Assault, Sniper, Thrower, Medic, Immobilizer, Heavy Tank, and Rusher.

The Carbon Fiber is dropped by enemies of higher ranks. It’s worth mentioning that True Sons gang members also drop Steel.

  • Looting Containers

Looting the containers you encounter while exploring Washington D.C. is another way to find Carbon Fiber.

Make sure you pay attention to the environment while playing the game’s missions and always check the Supply Room you unlock at a Control Point.

Here is a small lunch box containing Carbon Fiber.

