The Demolitionist is a Specialization that appears in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. This Specialization comes with the M32A1 Grenade Launcher for their Signature Weapon, the Artillery Turret for the unique skill, and Fragmentation Grenades. All of these can be improved upon via the Demolitionist's perk tree.
Unique Abilities[]
Signature Weapon[]
The Signature Weapon for the Demolitionist is the M32A1 Grenade Launcher. This is a device that allows grenades to be propelled through the air at a much larger range than throwing distance. This launcher can hold six grenades in it at once and said grenades deal damage to any enemy caught in the blast radius. Ammunition for this launcher is hard to come by, so agents must be wise with their use of it. Killing enemies with explosions adds 2 to the ammo bar.
Artillery Turret[]
The Demolitionist comes with its unique skill, the Artillery Turret. This is a variant of the standard Turret that launches artillery shells at a designated area. Once deployed, the agent must designate an area for bombardment. Otherwise, the turret will just sit there unused.
Fragmentation Grenade[]
The Fragmentation Grenade is unique to the Demolitionist. While being very similar to the concussive grenade, there are some differences between the two: the Frag has a smaller range and has a weaker damage; however, the Frag grenade causes any enemies caught in its radius to bleed for a period of time.
Perk Tree[]
The Demolitionist's perk tree allows the player to upgrade their skills and abilities, as well as gain new ones.