The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki

Every Division agent wears a Smart Watch. This remarkable device serves as the hub of tactical field awareness. It has the basic functionality of a military-grade PDA plus much more. When linked to the powerful transceiver worn on the agent's backpack, the Smart Watch is the agent's direct pipeline to ISAC and the encrypted SHD Network.

A list of primary Smart Watch capabilities and linkages includes:

  • Communication, peer-to-peer and wideband.
  • Data collection and analysis.
  • Enhanced situational awareness and AR enhancement.
  • Electronic Aggregation Pulse ScanTek contact lenses.
  • Drone controller interfaces.

This wrist-worn device gives Division agents the ability to communicate with fellow field agents and HQ: scan objects and identify field targets; hack communication systems, electronic locks, and computers; and scan themselves for injury with the watch's built-in Medical Evaluation app.

The Smart Watch's Autonomous Agent Technology suite contains a special sensor that measures physical, chemical, and biological elements in the environment. It also provides connectivity to large-scale Division assets and agency-wide systems such as the Long-Range Communication Array, the Advanced Super-Computing Unit, and the Emergency Medical Unit.

The single most iconic and identifiable piece of kit an agent carries, the watch - with its signature glowing orange outline - serves as a means of communication between agents and as the nexus for most all of an agent's personal functions and technology, including projecting an augmented reality heads-up display (AR HUD) for various features and points of data. All communication is done via the Smart Watch and a communications relay device, known as an ISAC Brick, typically attached to a field agent's backpack, which will also glow orange.

Unless otherwise abandoned or stolen, all Division agents wear their Smart Watch on their person at all times. This includes inactive agents, though it will not glow orange for those not on active duty. An agent will know they are activated when their watch begins glowing orange; when that happens, they are expected to drop everything and respond immediately, answering the call of duty without fail. Typically, civilians will not recognize an inactive Smart Watch for what it truly is.

When an agent goes rogue (or their tech is otherwise maliciously compromised), their watch will glow red instead of orange. In Tom Clancy's The Division 2, before the Warlords of New York update's changes to the rogue system, an agent could enter a status of rogue in which their watch would glow grey or not glow at all until the player killed an agent, after which the watch would begin glowing red. After Warlords of New York, the watch will now remain red no matter what status of rogue the agent is in.

As mentioned, the Smart Watch is an active agent's most identifiable piece of hardware. Allies, enemies and civilians alike can learn to identify a Division agent on sight just by looking for the glowing orange watch. Enemies will come to attack anyone on sight wearing one, and some - including the Hunter - consider the watch a trophy to be claimed.

With the introduction of Descent, it is revealed that, besides the Division's orange Smart Watch, there are other sets of smart watches that serve a similar purpose but instead function through the use of other AI systems, such as ANNA (Rogue Agents) or DIAMOND (Black Tusk). Descent also revealed that SHD watches also have a special program that makes them glow green, exclusively designed for the simulation. As well, it is also revealed that Calvin McManus, sitting secretary of Homeland Security and leader of the hunters, possesses a "master" smart watch(presumably the only one), capable of using all 3 AI systems at once.


