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The Division Wiki

A loosely organized gang of opportunistic raiders that prey on struggling civilian encampments through violence and intimidation. These hedonistic scavengers take everything they can steal and destroy everything else to deprive their enemies of valuable resources. The Hyenas are led by a council of the strongest pack leaders.
- Hyena Description

The Hyenas are a major enemy faction in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. While combining the killing instinct, thievery premise, and the firearm combat discipline of the Rioters and the Rikers in Tom Clancy's The Division., those similarities end there as it is suggested that power centralized by a faction council was formed even in the events prior to the game.

The Hyenas show a lack of free world discipline, roaming around in groups and charging around in a fight rather than holding their ground. They show a lack of tactics at times, being only concerned about destroying their opponents.

After SHD brought all council members to justice, including the ones in the District Union Arena, the Hyenas become disorganized.


The Hyenas leadership and government structure is a combination of a federation and an autocracy. As a federation the Hyenas are led by a council of Hyena clans. Each clan is self-governing and relatively independent of one another but are all unified as one. As an autocracy each clan is led by a single leader who has absolute authority over his/her own clan and represents them within the council.

Originally the Hyenas were divided and often fought each other until Coyote proposed to other clan leaders to unify together. She argued that they all faced a common foe, the True Sons, and that they need to band together if they were going to survive. The others agreed and thus the council was formed.

Intelligence Brief

Much like their animal counterpart the Hyenas are generally opportunistic raiders and scavengers who prey on the weak but can also stand their ground against more powerful foes. The Hyenas appear to consist mostly of late teens and young adults who are either criminals, affiliated with gangs before the outbreak, and/or simply revel in the anarchy. In fact, they've been known to manufacture drugs as drug labs can be seen within Hyena occupied buildings. Their general combat skills can be seen as unorthodox, unorganized and unprofessional as some disregard using covers, wildly shoot their weapons without aiming or simply take drugs and maniacally charge into battle. Their tactics are simply put; to overwhelm their target with numbers by pinning them down and allowing others to rush in for close combat. Despite this, as a faction they are relatively organized and intelligent as they are able to re-purpose and use military weapons (mini-guns and grenade launchers) and their council is shown to possess a decent level of a government structure. The Hyenas mark their territory with green paint and fumes.

Relationship with other factions

The Hyenas are at war with the True Sons and have fought to a stalemate against them. In fact, the main reason for various Hyena clans to unify was because of the True Sons, suggesting that prior to the unification each clan were being decimated by their enemy. Evidence of a battle between the two can be seen in buildings, on the streets and near control points, with corpses from either faction being present. Judging by the fact that Hyena possesses more control points with mini-gun than any other factions, it can be assumed that the Hyenas are on the defensive in this war.

Following the death of several Hyena Council members and the invasion of the Black Tusk, the Hyenas are now at war with every faction and are vying for control of positions within D.C.

Known Hyena Packs

  • Mall Rats
  • 12th Street Spicelords
  • Spec-Ops Bitches
  • Congress Rats
  • Rat Race
  • Bitch Masters
  • Dober Men
  • River Rats
  • North Lawn Bitches
  • Temple Bitches
  • Afterschool Special
  • Freebasers
  • Rat Bitches
  • Rat Race
  • Metro Runners
  • Underground Railroad
  • South Lawn Rats
  • Catfish Masters
  • Bitch Pastor
  • Church Kings
  • Church Runners
  • Lawn Queens
  • Pastor Catfish
  • Center Runners
  • Sky High
  • Capitol Bitches
  • Don't Feed the Animals
  • 7th Street Dealers
  • Rabid Rabbits

Weapons Used


When I first started seeing these assholes show up, I figured it was bad news. I've seen my share of Black Bloc-style folks, and these weren't them. They were well-armed, but disorganized. Figured they'd maybe raided military surplus stores or something.

The Assault unit are deeply indoctrinated by the Hyena's ethos. They are unorganized and inexperienced in combat, relying on intimidation and constant gunfire to make up for their shortcomings. The Assault unit use raiding and looting to instill fear into the citizens of DC.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Assault archetype prefers to fight from behind cover, and move cover-to-cover to avoid enemy fire.

Oh, sure. Call it a toy. Deride it for being low-tech. But whatever you do, don't discount it. Someone delivering a block of C4 to your cover position will wreck your day, no matter how bad-ass you're feeling.

Controllers have knowledge of mechanics and are considered the "intellectuals" of the Hyenas. They operate remote controlled cars rigged with explosives, and treat the battlefield like a playground. Their lack of danger perception is both their strength and weakness.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyena Controller archetype deploys remote controlled explosive cars from behind cover.
  • Destroying the Controller's backpack is an effective way to put an end to the enemy.

Turned a corner to find two of these guys with their turrets set up and thought to myself, "Nope nope nope." Ended up rolling out three EMPs and sprinting up on them with a shotty. I do not feel charitable when it comes to the idea of getting killed by a machine.

Engineers use heavy machine guns and suppression tactics to subdue their enemies. Without their turrets, they have little combat value; therefore, they will do everything in their power to keep their weapons operational, even if it means exposing themselves to enemy fire.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyena Engineer archetype sets up turrets, and attempts to repair them when they're damaged.
  • Destroying the Engineer's backpack before they've set up their turret will prevent them from deploying it.
  • Damaging a deployed turret is an effective way to cause the engineer to expose themselves to attempt a repair.

I mean, not exactly a medic in the strictest sense of the word. They aren't fooling anyone about healing them. Take a syringe filled with adrenaline and shove it in someone who's almost dead. Stand back and watch what happens.

Medics are adept at administering injections quickly and under duress. Many of them are believed to be comprised of addicts and former drug dealers. Medics are heavily involved in spice production and often volunteer themselves as test subjects in order to evalue new strains.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Medic archetype sprints to dead allies in an attempt to revive them with adrenaline, and supports living allies with combat stims.
  • Destroying the Medic's bag prevents them from assisting allies.

I don't have the first fucking clue what these guys are shooting up with, but it's got to be something like PCP. I've never seen anyone take that much punishment before without a substance that removes pain inhibitors.

Rushers are delusional and unyielding, using drugs to boost their confidence and adrenaline. Recognized by their stolen police batons, many of them are believed to be former criminals who were serving jail time when the Green Poison hit DC.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Rusher archetype sprints towards targets and attempts to melee them with a baton.
  • The Hyenas' spice grants extra speed and damage to melee attacks.
  • Destroying the Rusher's spice supply confuses them, and prevents them from using the drug.

Of all the annoying sons of bitches I've come across, these have to be the worst. Had a merry time with one of these jerks just outside a Doko, and I can't say I loved it. Just kept circling each other for ages looking for an opening. Of course I could have just dropped a present through their mail slot, but I must have been off my game that day.

The Shield unit engage enemies at close range and often express dissatisfaction towards allies who use safer tactics in combat. Off the battlefield, they work as enforcers, using violence and intimidation to strengthen the Hyenas' foothold on the city.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Shield archetype takes cover behind a massive riot shield while facing down his enemies with a sidearm.
  • Destroying the shield is quite difficult, but can be accomplished.
  • Aiming for the feet can cause the Shield to stagger.
  • A small window in the shield allows for visibility, but it also a vulnerability.

The laser dazzlers they use are serious business. This is the kind of thing that can cause extreme retinal damage, and that you see on the news from time to time when someone decides it's hilarious to point them at landing jets. Bunch of idiots.

Snipers are arrogant and ruthless. Unlike their military counterparts, discretion is not their forte. Despite this, they panic in close combat and will flee when their enemies get too close. Snipers train daily and keep a kill count among themselves.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Sniper archetype stays in cover at long range.
  • Aiming at the Sniper while she uses her laser dazzler results in being Blinded.

These guys aren't finding grenade launchers in military surplus stores, or even raided SWAT storage. Certainly not in the numbers that they're in possession of. They've got to have another source for that kind of hardware.

Throwers are erratic and unpredictable. They recklessly use demolitions, often endangering the lives of themselves and their allies. Some Throwers create their own explosives using looted industrial grade chemicals.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Thrower archetype fires a tear gas grenade launcher from range.
  • Destroying the ammo pouch results in an explosion that damages the Thrower and forces them to use their sidearm.

I was out near the eastern dark zone a month or so ago, and got pinned in an alley with one of these guys. Bad news. Couldn't whittle down his armor, so I ended up clipping his ammo belt and jetting past him. No shame in running.

Tanks are armed with machine guns and try to overwhelm their enemies with persistent fire. They were selected for their size and ability to carry a lot of weight. Off the battlefield they are responsible for keeping order inside Hyena strongholds.

Strategic Data

  • The Hyenas Tank archetype relentlessly moves towards enemies, fearless behind a bulwark of heavy armor.
  • Destroying the Tank's ammo belt forces him to manually reload his machinegun.

Named Members



  • Scalpel
  • Pebble
  • Dash
  • Gemini
  • Magpie
  • Shark
  • Chunky
  • Cuz
  • Widow
  • Walker
  • Smokes
  • Halo
  • Juniper
  • Jokes - Tank
  • Sharky- Sheild
  • Cutie
  • Beetle
  • Joint
  • Dragon
  • Tempe
  • Dolphin
  • Frenchie - Controller
  • Shakey - Shield
  • Dent - Thrower
  • Hatter - Controller
  • Twitch - Assault
  • Tilapia
  • George - Thrower
  • Bags - Assault
  • Plastic - Controller
  • Devil - Controller
  • Twitch - Tank
  • Rash - Engineer
  • Cuffs - Shield
  • Scalpel - Medic



Our shit, this is our fucking shit! Ugh! ugh! ugh!
- A member of the Hyenas expressing his actions towards the area that they control.
This belongs to the Hyenas!
- A Hyenas member in combat with a Division agent or a member of another faction, proving, that the Hyenas currently own the area.
Don't know why we're out here. Nobody's trying to steal this shit.
- A Hyenas faction member safeguarding a valuable.
Listen up fuckos, we're taking this place for sure this time, but you assholes stay back here make sure we don't get surrounded or some shit.
- A member of the Hyenas ordering other members to secure the area and hold back
Our job is to make sure nobody comes up from behind.
- A Hyena member telling other members to stay on point and watch out for those who might come up from behind and attack them.
Just keep your goddamn eyes open!
- A Hyena member shouts at other members whilst engaged in combat.
Bleed, motherfucker! Bleed!
- A Hyena engaged in combat
You Division fucks! You need to die!
- A Male Hyena member provocating Division agent in combat.
Lets kill 'em and take all their stuff!
- A member of the Hyenas engaged in combat.
Never liked that fucker anyway!"
- A member of the Hyenas when one of their allies falls in battle.
What's the matter? Got a boo-boo?
- A male member of the Hyenas catching a Division agent using either an armor recovery kit or some form of armor recovery.
What the hell you need that for?!
- A male member of the Hyenas catching a Division agent using either an armor recovery kit or some form of armor recovery.
This ain't a hospital!
- A female member of the Hyenas catching a Division agent using either an armor recovery kit or some form of armor recovery.
That's. It. That's. It.
- A Male Hyena member catching a Division agent off-guard or when a Hyena gets downed depending on the mood he's in.
Come on! Are you out of ammo yet?
- A Male Hyena member having beef about a Division agent habitually shooting at him under suppressive fire.


File:How The Hyenas Rose To Power - Story Lore Brief Tom Clancy's The Division 2
File:Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 Footage Hyenas Council
File:Tom Clancy's The Division® 2 Footage Hyenas murdering civilians

