“ Try not to burn down the city with this one. ”
The K8-JetStream Flamethrower is a Signature Weapon used by the Firewall specialist in Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
The latest signature weapon introduced during the Coney Island expansion as part of the Firewall specialization, the K8-Jetstream flamethrower is a custom, man-portable flamethrower available for Division agents. The weapon is fed using high-octane fuel and shoots a 15m jet of fire in front of the user that hits multiple targets in a line which does heavy status damage, inflicts burn status, and causes standard enemies to flail around in panic when set on fire.
It is also the only signature weapon that can be used in tandem with a shield deployed, but requires the custom "Striker" crusader shield that's also exclusive to the Firewall specialization.
Talent | High-Octane Gasoline Mixture
- A custom gasoline mixture with a controlled range of 15m.
- Reduced damage against Named enemies.
Signature Weapons | |||
SHD Technology | |||