Medkits are a type of consumable item featured in Tom Clancy's The Division. They are used as healing items by the Strategic Homeland Division and various hostile factions. In Tom Clancy's The Division 2, Medkits are replaced by Armor Kits.
Known among Division agents as "combat cocktails", Medkits are a type of cutting-edge SHD Tech--filled with anabolic steroids, antibiotics, and painkillers, they are designed to provide an instant boost of strength and stamina. They make it possible to function in spite of grievous wounds, but with the delayed cost of terrible withdrawals and a high risk of addiction. Agents with medical training, such as Colin Harrison, consider them a tool of last resort.
Beneath their armor, Hunters receive a steady flow of chemicals similar to those found in Medkits, tailored for each individual's metabolism. This gives them extreme endurance and complete disregard for pain while avoiding the worst withdrawal symptoms.
Tom Clancy's The Division[]
Medkits are a consumable item that instantly refills a portion of the user's missing health bar, followed by a brief period of additional health regeneration. After using a Medkit, there is a 10-second timer before another can be used; this does not affect other sources of healing, such as First Aid or Support Stations. Additional medkits can be obtained as loot from enemies and containers, and are completely restocked from Resupply Caches in Safe Houses and the Base of Operations.
Initially, agents are limited to carrying two (2) Medkits. This capacity can be increased up to five (5) Medkits by acquiring the Medkits Perks at the Base of Operations, and up to seven (7) Medkits by equipping the Paramedic Backpack. Named enemies and Hunters also carry a limited number of Medkits, which fully replenish their health and armor after a delay.
Civilians in need may request a Medkit; if given one, they will drop a Vanity item or a Standard, Specialized, or Superior weapon, gear piece, or mod.
In Survival, besides their normal properties, Medkits are necessary to revive other downed or unconscious agents, and can also be used to self-revive while in a downed state. Self-reviving is not possible if:
- An agent's bleedout timer expires, either naturally or from being attacked while downed
- An agent falls unconscious while Freezing
- An agent's infection timer expires
- An agent is executed by a Hunter
Initially, agents are limited to carrying two (2) Medkits. This capacity can be increased up to three (3) Medkits by crafting the Additional Medkit Pouch at a Crafting Table. Additional medkits can be obtained as loot from enemies and containers, and can be crafted using the following blueprints:
The following Skill blueprints also use Medkits as crafting material:
- First Aid: 3x
Electronics, 1x Medkit, 1x
- Support Station: 3x
Electronics, 1x Medkit, 1x
- First Aid (High-End Materials): 2x
Electronics, 1x Medkit
- Support Station (High-End Materials): 2x
Electronics, 1x Medkit