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The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki
Cast your stones / At kings on thrones / But at the end / Rats gnaw our bones.

Regulus is an Exotic Pistol in Tom Clancy's The Division 2.

It is an Exotic variant of the Police 686 Magnum, featuring the Talent Regicide. It was added to the game in Title Update 10.

This weapon only be crafted using its BlueprintBlueprint at a Crafting Station. Its BlueprintBlueprint is acquired by completing the Raid Operation Iron Horse, finishing a series of Goal Projects, then collecting its Exotic component Exotic Components from each of the Raid's five Named bosses.


It is an exclusive drop from the Operation Iron Horse Raid, and offers high base damage and creates explosions on headshot kills that amplify damage and apply the bleed status effect to all nearby enemies.


Icon Description
Regicide (Regulus)
  • Headshot kills create a 5m explosion, 400% weapon damage and applying bleed to all enemies hit.


Like other Exotic weapons in Tom Clancy's The Division 2, Regulus comes permanently equipped with its own unique mods.

Mod Slot Effect
Engraved Muzzle

A rat's bite is viciously sharp and laden with disease. Be careful not to get bit.

  • +20.0% Accuracy
Engraved Drum

The ornamentation revolving with the drum gives the impression of a scurrying rat.

  • +10.0% Reload Speed


Crafting Regulus costs:

  • 979 E-credit E-Credits
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Main Frame
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Curved Grip
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Engraved Drum
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Engraved Muzzle
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Gold Ingot
  • 36 Polycarbonate Polycarbonate
  • 26 Carbon Fiber Carbon Fiber
  • 60 Receiver Components Receiver Components
  • Level 1+ Regulus icon Police 686 Magnum (Replica)

To craft Regulus, agents must complete a total of five Goal Projects, each one requiring gear donations and/or materials from the Raid Operation Iron Horse.

After completing the Raid for the first time, two new Projects will be unlocked at the Base of Operations, titled Foundry Bulwark Acquisition and Future Initiative Acquisition. The first Project, Foundry Bulwark Acquisition, involves donating equipment from the Foundry Bulwark Gear Set.

Foundry Bulwark Acquisition[]

I hear you've found some new equipment in the foundry. If you can bring a set of the Foundry Bulwark pieces to me, I might be able to reverse engineer them and provide you with some blueprints. I suspect some of the pieces can only be found in the foundry.
Objectives Quantity

Donate Foundry Bulwark Shield Carrier
Donate Foundry Bulwark Forged Plate Armor
Donate Foundry Bulwark Crucible Gauntlets
Donate Foundry Bulwark Anvil Toolbelt
Donate Foundry Bulwark Hammer Guards
Donate Foundry Bulwark Heat Mask


  • Foundry Bulwark Assembly

The second Project, Future Initiative Acquisition, involves donating equipment from the Future Initiative Gear Set.

Future Initiative Acquisition[]

That Future Initiative equipment you found in the foundry seems pretty advanced. I'm sure I'll be able to get you some blueprints if you bring me an intact piece of each part of this set. For some of them, you'll probably need to head back to the foundry to find them.
- Inaya
Objectives Quantity

Donate Future Initiative 2k-RTS Radio Carrier
Donate Future Initiative Terrapin Armored Rig
Donate Future Initiative APM Controller Gloves
Donate Future Initiative Rush Tactics Holster
Donate Future Initiative Bounding Kneepads
Donate Future Initiative Fog of War Mask


  • Future Initiative Assembly

Completing those two Projects will lead to two more new Projects, Future Initiative Assembly and Foundry Bulwark Assembly.

These require donations of various High-End gear pieces from a variety of different Brand Sets, as well as large amounts of three new materials: Ironwork Bulwark Alloy, Ironwork Future Fabrics, and Ironwork Base Materials.

Future Initiative Assembly[]

I'll do my best to recreate the Future Initiative equipment you got me, but I'll need some specific materials and gear pieces. The foundry is where I'd look for the materials, or maybe deconstruct parts of the set? When I have those blueprints ready, I can probably salvage some of the materials as well.
- Inaya
Objectives Quantity

Donate Ironworks Bulwark Alloy
Donate Ironworks Base Materials
Donate high-end 5.11 Tactical backpack
Donate high-end Overlord Armaments vest
Donate high-end Badger Tuff gloves
Donate high-end Fenris Group AB holster
Donate high-end Sokolov Concern kneepads
Donate high-end Richter & Kaiser GmbH mask


  • 12 Ironworks Bulwark Alloy
  • 40 Ironworks Base Materials
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Shield Carrier
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Forged Plate Armor
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Crucible Gauntlets
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Anvil Toolbelt
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Hammer Guards
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Heat Mask

The Ironwork Bulwark Alloy and Ironwork Future Fabrics can be obtained by deconstructing Foundry Bulwark and Future Initiative equipment respectively, while Ironwork Base Materials only be obtained from Operation Iron Horse's various Named bosses and final reward chest. The chest's contents reset only once per week, and require several hidden keys to unlock.

Foundry Bulwark Assembly[]

I'll going to need some specific materials and gear pieces to able to replicate the Foundry Bulwark equipment you gave me. You'll find the material in the foundry, or by decontructing parts of the set.
- Inaya
Objectives Quantity

Donate Ironworks Future Fabrics
Donate Ironworks Base Materials
Donate high-end Providence Defense backpack
Donate high-end China Light Industries Corporation vest
Donate high-end Petrov Defense Group gloves
Donate high-end Douglas & Harding holster
Donate high-end Murakami Industries kneepads
Donate high-end Alps Summit Armament mask


  • 12 Ironworks Future Fabric
  • 40 Ironworks Base Materials
  • Blueprint Blueprint: 2k-RTS Radio Carrier
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Terrapin Armored Rig
  • Blueprint Blueprint: PM Controller Gloves
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Rush Tactics Holster
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Bounding Kneepads
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Fog of War Mask

Once the second pair of Projects have been completed, the final one will be unlocked, titled Rats Gnaw Our Bones, which involves collecting five (5) Exotic component Exotic Components necessary to craft Regulus. Like the Ironwork Base Materials, these components are obtained from each of the Named bosses in Operation Iron Horse, as well as the final reward chest:

Rats Gnaw Our Bones[]

I've done some research on a unique revolver assumed to be in Javier Kajika's private collection. Parts similar to its components are rumored to be available in the foundry. If you can get your hands on them, I'll work on providing you with a blueprint.
- Inaya
Objectives Quantity

Donate Revolver: Main Frame
Donate Revolver: Curved Grip
Donate Revolver: Engraved Drum
Donate Revolver: Engraved Muzzle
Donate Revolver: Gold Ingot


  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Main Frame
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Curved Grip
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Engraved Drum<
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Engraved Muzzle
  • 1 Exotic component Revolver: Gold Ingot
  • Blueprint Blueprint: Regulus

Completing Rats Gnaw Our Bones will award BlueprintJavier Kajika's Regulus Blueprint and refund the five Exotic component Exotic Components, making it now possible to craft the weapon at any Crafting Station.


  • This item's name and flavor text are a pun - the term "regulus" can refer to both the metallic by-product of foundry smelting, as well as royalty, being the diminutive form of the Latin term "rex", meaning "king".
Weapons in Tom Clancy's The Division 2
Assault Rifles
ACR  •  AK-M (Manic)  •  FAL (Strega)  •  Police M4 (Lexington/Pyromaniac)  •  P416 (Eagle Bearer/Glory Daze)  •  Mk16  •  G36 (Born Great)  •  FAMAS 2010 (Burn Out)  •  PDR-C (Capacitor/Test Subject)
CTAR-21 (The Railsplitter)  •  AUG A3-CQC (The Bighorn/Invisible Hand)  •  F2000 (Shield Splinterer)  •  Honey Badger (Savage Wolverine)  •  Carbine 7 (The Drill)  •  SIG 556 (Mechanical Animal)
Chameleon  •  TKB-408 (Kingbreaker)  •  St. Elmo's Engine
ACR SS  •  LVOA-C/Lightweight M4 (Surge)  •  M1A (Doctor Home/Cooler/Baker's Dozen/Stage Left)  •  M16A2 (Whisper)  •  Resolute Mk47 (Harmony)  •  Mk17 (Everlasting Gaze)
SIG 716 (Artist's Tool)  •  UIC15 MOD2  •  Urban MDR (Vindicator)  •  USC.45 ACP  •  1886 (The Virginian/Diamondback)  •  Ruthless/Merciless  •  The Ravenous
Light Machine Guns
L86 LSW (Tabula Rasa)  •  M60 (Good Times)  •  RPK-74 (New Reliable)  •  M249 B (Pestilence/Black Friday/The Stinger)  •  MG5 (Sleipnir/Big Show/Iron Lung)
IMI Negev (Carnage/Bullet King)  •  Stoner LAMG (Quiet Roar/Bluescreen)  •  GR9 (Cricket/Dare)
Marksman Rifles
M44 (The White Death/Oh Carol)  •  SRS (Pinprick/Mantis)  •  SVD (Commando/Dread Edict)  •  M700 (Ekim's Long Stick/Brutus)  •  SR-1 (Designated Hitter/Adrestia)
SOCOM Mk20 SSR (The Darkness)  •  Tactical .308 (Scalpel)  •  G28 (Sacrum Imperium/Relic)  •  Nemesis
Submachine Guns
T821  •  MP5 (Cabaret) •  MP7 (Swap Chain)  •  Vector (Ouroboros/Dark Winter)  •  SMG-9  •  AUG-A3  •  PP-19 (Cold Relations)  •  UMP-45  •  M1928/Tommy Gun (The Sleigher/Grown Great)
MPX (Backfire/Safety Distance/The Apartment)  •  CMMG Banshee (Lady Death/The Grudge)  •  P90 (The Chatterbox/Emeline's Guard)
Double Barrel Sawed Off (Backup Boomstick/Firestarter)  •  Double Barrel Shotgun (Boomstick)  •  M870 (Cuélebre)  •  SASG-12 (Tsunami)  •  Super 90 (Enforcer/Like Glue)
ACS-12 (Rock n' Roll/Lefty)  •  SPAS-12 (Thorn/The Lullaby/Sweet Dreams)  •  SIX12 (The Mop/Scorpio)  •  KSG (The Send-Off/Overlord)
686 Magnum (Regulus/Orbit/Prophet/The Harvest)  •  M1911 (Mozambique Special)  •  M9 (Mosquito)  •  PF45 (Busy Little Bee/Lightning Rod)  •  Px4 Storm  •  X-45  •  93R (Sharpshooter 93R)
Diceros (Diceros Special)  •  D50 (Liberty/Survivalist D50)  •  P320 XCompact  •  Maxim 9  •  KARD (TDI "Kard" Custom)
Signature Weapons
Minigun  •  Crossbow  •  TAC-50 C Rifle  •  K8-JetStream Flamethrower  •  M32A1 Multi-shot Grenade Launcher  •  P-017 Missile Launcher
SHD Technology
Pulse  •  Sticky Bomb  •  Turret  •  Seeker Mine  •  Ballistic Shield  •  Chem Launcher  •  Decoy  •  Drone  •  Firefly  •  Hive  •  Trap  •  SHD Automated Turret