The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki

SAMMY MARIE: That dream I had the other night? Turns out, it wasn't a dream. Okay, I ge... err... I get that this will sound crazy. I know its going to sound crazy, but that doesn't mean it actually is crazy. I swear to God, I swear on a bible. I swear on Larae Barrett's hunting knife, anything you want. I swear I saw an alligator down here. A big one. I mean, I have heard those rumors for years - years. Always thought it was bullshit. I'm a skeptic. I'm a realist. But man, I know what I saw. Okay, heard. But there's no faking that. Breathing. Like a dragon. Really heavy and... wet. And the footsteps and the drag of that tail, like a huge bag of wet cement getting dragged down the tunnel. Holly shit.

