The Rogue Network, also known as ANNA, is a network created by Claire and Alexander Ortiz, two renowned programmers and founding owners of Ortiz Robotics. This network was created as a less binary Artificial Intelligence than ISAC, per the request of Calvin McManus. Following the Black Friday outbreak, it would remain dormant until Rogue Agent Theo Parnell managed to reconnect to it. It connects rogue agents across the United States. It acts as the rogue version of ISAC and the SHD Network. This network was designed as a way to organize the, until that point, a loose band of rogue agents, and to unify them against certain goals.
Following Aaron Keener's death, he re-activated the Rogue Network as part of his plan to ensure his legacy: continuing his cause of spreading chaos and entrusting other rogue agents with his mission.
ANNA is described as capable of passing the Turing Test, that being a test made to determine whether or not a machine can exhibit intelligent behavior and engage in conversation with a human evaluator without the latter ever realizing that they are talking to a machine. It is also described as being more morally complex than ISAC, with ISAC having been initially created as a backup copy of ANNA with more binary morals.