The Division Wiki
The Division Wiki

Trinkets are small useless items that can either be sold for a small amount of credits or saved to be donated for projects.


Item Source(s)
Antibiotics Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, locker
Battery Recycle bin
Camera Large backpack, luggage
Crayon Small backpack, large backpack, luggage
Gold Necklace ?
Hammmer Locker
Hex Wrench Office drawers
Insulin Refrigerator
Kid's Jacket Small backpack, large backpack
Kid's Shoe Large backpack, luggage
Kid's Sock Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers
Lighter Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, recycling bin, locker, wooden bureau
Magazine Small backpack, large backpack, luggage
Matchbook Small backpack, large backpack, office drawers
Notebook Small backpack, large backpack
Pain Killers Small backpack
Pencil Office drawers
Plastic Bottle Recycling bin
Rope Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, recycling bin
Sewing Kit Small backpack, large backpack, luggage
Silver Bracelet Small backpack
Small Diamond Small backpack, large backpack
Soda Soda machine, refigerator
Solar Calculator Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers
Stuffed Animal Large backpack, luggage
Tape Measure Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers
Toy Car Wooden drawers
Utensil Small backpack, large backpack