Trinkets are small useless items that can either be sold for a small amount of credits or saved to be donated for projects.
Item | Source(s) |
Antibiotics | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, locker |
Battery | Recycle bin |
Camera | Large backpack, luggage |
Crayon | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage |
Gold Necklace | ? |
Hammmer | Locker |
Hex Wrench | Office drawers |
Insulin | Refrigerator |
Kid's Jacket | Small backpack, large backpack |
Kid's Shoe | Large backpack, luggage |
Kid's Sock | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers |
Lighter | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, recycling bin, locker, wooden bureau |
Magazine | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage |
Matchbook | Small backpack, large backpack, office drawers |
Notebook | Small backpack, large backpack |
Pain Killers | Small backpack |
Pencil | Office drawers |
Plastic Bottle | Recycling bin |
Rope | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, recycling bin |
Sewing Kit | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage |
Silver Bracelet | Small backpack |
Small Diamond | Small backpack, large backpack |
Soda | Soda machine, refigerator |
Solar Calculator | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers |
Stuffed Animal | Large backpack, luggage |
Tape Measure | Small backpack, large backpack, luggage, wooden drawers |
Toy Car | Wooden drawers |
Utensil | Small backpack, large backpack |